VT-6008:Servo Hydraulic Controller

With over 12 years of industrial application experience, Premax has become a trusted provider of reliable and innovative servo-hydraulic vibration shaker systems to clients worldwide. Our comprehensive product offerings include high-quality actuators, advanced servo-hydraulic and vibration controllers, customized head expanders and slip tables, fixtures, and various accessories. Through a decade of expertise in servo-hydraulic vibration testing, Premax has gained unrivaled knowledge in this specialized industry.

Our VT-6008 Electro-Hydraulic Servo Vibration Control System is designed to meet the demanding control requirements of single hydraulic actuating cylinders, with the flexibility to extend to multi-channel and multi-actuator servo control. The VT-6008 Hydraulic Vibration Controller excels in low-frequency control and offers a wide range of test modules to address all your vibration testing needs, including shock tests, earthquake simulations, road simulations, package and transportation tests, and environmental stress screening.

The VT-6008 allows users to adjust vibration control configurations during tests and modify configuration parameters as needed. The safety of testers, specimens, and associated equipment is a top priority, ensured by the VT-6008’s extensive safety features, including double closed-loop control checks, an emergency stop button, test abort limits, system limit settings, abort rate definitions, and more.
At Premax, we work closely with our customers to provide tailored vibration control solutions that meet their unique testing requirements.


Advantages of the VT-6008 Hydraulic Shaker Vibration Controller:

  • Integrated Design: Combines servo valve and vibration controllers in one product, offering the most comprehensive control strategies in the industry.
  • Dynamic User Adjustments: Users can adjust control configurations while tests are running, ensuring high flexibility and reliability.
  • Versatile Coupling Support: Supports multiple function transducer coupling and general coupling.
  • Exceptional Signal Quality: Features extremely low noise with an SNR > 100 dB.
  • Waveform Editor: Enables the creation of custom vibration test spectra based on raw data.
  • Advanced Safety Measures: Includes more than 20 inter-safety check and lock functions.
  • Self-Calibration: Integrated packages ensure compliance with calibration requirements and prevent out-of-date calibration issues.

Hardware of the VT-6008 Hydraulic Shaker Vibration Controller:

Comprehensive Sensor Support:

  • 6 acceleration inputs via BNC ports, supporting IEPE, AC, DC, and TEDS sensors.
  • 1 acceleration input via 12-pin circular connector, supporting IEPE, capacitance, and dynamic sensors.
  • 2 displacement inputs via 12-pin circular connector, supporting LVDT, slide rheostats, and 4-20mA inputs.
  • 1 drive output via 12-pin circular connector, supporting 2-stage & 3-stage valve driving (with optional voltage and current selections).

High-Precision Data Acquisition:

  • 24-bit ADC for all acceleration and displacement inputs, ensuring high-resolution data.
  • Analog and digital filtering with impedance attenuation > 160 dB/octave.

Flexible Power Options:

  • Current range options: ±100 mA max (also available at ±5 mA, ±10 mA, ±20 mA, ±30 mA, ±50 mA, and other combinations).
  • Voltage range: ±10 V max.

Advanced LVDT and Slide Rheostat Controls:

  • LVDT input: 2-24V, with 3 adjustable gears (24V/15V/5V), 10kHz excitation.
  • Slide rheostat input: ±15 V / ±24 V, with fixed gain.

Broad Frequency Control:

  • Capable of controlling vibrations at frequencies as low as 0.1 Hz with a sampling frequency up to 48,000 Hz.
  • Dynamic range > 95 dB with control accuracy within ±1 dB.

Immediate Test Abort Capability:

  • ABORT Port is designed for quick connection to an external switch, enabling immediate test termination from a distance.

Extensive Testing Modules Available:

  • Sine Sweep Vibration Control
  • Random Vibration Control
  • RSTD (Resonance Search and Track Dwell) Vibration Control
  • Classic Shock Control & Simulation
  • Shock Response Spectrum Control & Simulation
  • Transient Time History Vibration Control (including earthquake simulation)
  • Road Simulation Vibration Control
  • Additional Optional Applications
  • Waveform Editor: Allows for offline viewing, MATLAB interface integration, channel notching limit control, multi-channel control, and step testing (Sine/RSTD).

Software Compatibility and User Experience:

  • Operating System Compatibility: Compatible with all MS Windows Operating Systems, including Windows 7, 8, and 10 (both 32-bit and 64-bit versions).
  • User-Friendly Platform: Provides an intuitive software platform for easy test function setup and quick result analysis.
  • Flexible Test Planning: Features a test flowchart function for setting up to 6 test profiles.
  • Enhanced Safety Protections: Includes test-level abort limits, shaker limit settings, over-limit checks, a wide abort ratio range (0 - 100%), drive limits to the amplifier, abort rate settings, and a unique test preview function without drive output to identify system characteristics.
  • Over-Test Prevention: Incorporates vibration abort points/lines, floating notching limits (including force limits), standards tolerance, and limits selection from MIL-STD, IEC, ISO, and user-defined criteria.
  • Pre-Loaded Earthquake Simulation Data: Includes data for Bellcore (1, 2, 3, 4), El Centro (S, V, W, 30), and Taft (N, S, V, 30) for quick earthquake simulation test setup.
  • Effortless Reporting: One-click test report generation to Word or PDF files, with data output options to Excel or Txt files.
  • Multi-Language Support: Software is enabled for Chinese, English, Japanese, and Russian, with easy one-click language switching.

Customer Support and Service:

  • Training Programs: Premax offers training and seminars to help customers maximize the efficiency of Premax Vibration Test System products and stay updated with the latest industry advancements.
  • Software Upgrades: Keep your controller up to date with the latest software developments, features, and enhancements. We encourage you to renew your Software Maintenance Agreement today to continue receiving software upgrades, unlimited technical support, and more.